The Reward for Fasting
Assalam Alaikum my dear brothers and sisters today I will like to discuss about the rewards of fasting. A lot of us know what's the reason behind fasting, but not the rewards that Allah (S.W.T.) gives us on this blessed month. We have so far fasted for 12 days in New York and we only 18 more left. But, before I talk about the rewards of fasting I will like to share a hadith: Abu Huraira reported "I heard the Prophet (PBUH) saying Fasting in Ramadan the month of patience, and three days in every month is like fasting a lifetime" (Hadith). Hopefully by the end of this blog you will learn some of the rewards for fasting.
Ibn Al Qayim Al Jawziyyah said a beautiful remind and advice that I will like to share with you guys today. He said "Where are those pray by night? Where are those who obey our Lord? Where are those who work righteousness? Where are those who are foremost and where are the humble ones? Where are those who Remember Lord? And where are those devoted to him? Where are the truthful ones? Where are the Patient? Where are the charity givers? Where are those who enjoin good? Who saved the trouble one? and who forbid the wrong? Where are those who heed contemplation and who listen to good advice and life lessons?" "By Allah, they have indeed gone with the righteous returned with the believers, settled with the Prophets. Taken residence with the truthful ones. But us we have remain behind with the ignorant, have settled with the wrongdoers and have taken the heedless as our guides. Fasting is a shield of nations, protecting from the hell fire. Fasting is the fortress for whoever fears that fire. "Fasting is a covering for all the people of goodness. Those who fear the burden of blame and sinfulness and this month is the month of the Lord of the Throne". "Their reward lies with the Exalted and Forgiving one, so they came to settle in the everlasting gardens, surrounded by maidens, the rivers, the plantations. Glad tidings to those who obey the Most Merciful King in this month of mercy, this month of Ramadan. Every time you do good in this month, you shall be rewarded for the rest of your life, because righteousness is a habit and evil is stubbornness."
"Where are you O Fasting one who pray by night come forth to goodness and you shall triumph with everlasting happiness! Apologize and He will accept your apology, seek His forgiveness and He shall forgive your sins. Draw close to him and He shall alleviate your sufferings." "O my brothers (and sisters) in this month all faults and mistakes are concealed. All souls and hearts are softened, sins and burdens are forgiven. Allah (S.W.T.) relieves every sad and troubled one he says to his Angels "O, my angels Look at those dry tongues, how they become moist with remembrance. Look at those hard eyes how they soften and weep out of fear of me. And look at those delicate feet planted firmly in the station of prayer cut of desire for me." "O, my dear brothers (and sisters) whenever you give food to others in this month for the sake of Allah (S.W.T.) you shall be raised to high ranks in Paradise. You will be dotted with complete goodness and stripped of all sin."
So guys this is the end of today's blog I know it is a longer reminder but it is beautiful. He mentions almost all of the rewards that this blessed month of Ramadan gives us. I hope this reminder and advice motivates you to fast for the rest of the month. May Allah give us Tawfeeq to understand and follow the month of Ramadan the way it is advised by Imam Ibn Al Qayim Al Jawaziyyah. Stay tune for my daily Ramadan blogs. Peace and Stay Halal.
Instagram: captured123
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