Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Day 10 of Ramadan Blogs: Time for forgiveness

                                     Time for Forgiveness

  Assalam Alaikum my dear brothers and sisters today is the 10th day of Ramadan. We have completed 1/3rd of Ramadan. Ramadan is divided into three parts and each of those 10 days have something special attached to it. The first 10 days of Ramadan is the time for the mercy of Allah, the second 10 days of Ramadan is the time for forgiveness; which I will discuss today and the last 10 days of Ramadan is the time of salvation. Before I discuss about the time for forgiveness I will like to share a hadith: Ibn Abbas (RA) said The Prophet (PBUH) said "If anyone constantly seeks pardon from Allah (S.W.T.) Allah (S.W.T.) will appoint for him a way out of every distress and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide sustenance from where he expects not" (Hadith). Now I will discuss about forgiveness during Ramadan.

 Forgiveness leads a telling tale in the hearts of the believers. As believing in Allah says that Allah will forgive whether we do wrong, only if we ask for forgiveness. Allah provides these special 10 days to go ahead and repent from our sins in order to be forgiven. From the Prophet (PBUH) we are reminded that forgiveness is one of the gems that builds a strong relationship between a believer and Allah. Jibreel (Angel Gabriel) (AS) appeared to the Prophet (PBUH) are saying "Woe to Him who found the blessed month of Ramadan and let is pass by without gaining forgiveness". The Prophet (PBUH) replied "Ameen". So by almost entering the middle of Ramadan it is all about forgiveness. Forgiveness is a liberating feeling especially if it comes from Allah. So as Ramadan rolls on lets find time to forgive others and ourselves. We should apologize to those whom we have wronged and to ask Allah to forgive us for doing wrong to others and ourselves. In this blessed month of Ramadan Allah (S.W.T.) "I AM TAU-BAH and AR RAHEEM". The first part means Allah accepts Tau-bah of the people who turn to him.  Tau-bah means to turn in repentance to Allah (S.W.T.). By turning away from ignorance and heading towards knowledge. By turning away from misguidance and become rightly guided. We should turn away from absent-mindedness and turn towards the remembrance of Allah (S.W.T.). AR RAHEEM means that Allah(S.W.T.) is most the Forgiving. The second meaning of Tau-bah is related to us that we are At-Tayyab, which means returning to Allah. At-tayyab means that Allah is infinitely turning towards us, just like the person who makes tau-bah turns toward Allah (S.W.T.). By Allah (S.W.T.) calling himself At-tayyab means he is turning towards the person who is coming towards him.

  So guys this is the end of my blog. Stay tuned for my daily Ramadan blogs. May Allah accept all our sincere repentance toward the middle 10 days of Ramadan. Assalam Alaikum my dear brothers and sisters. Peace and Stay Halal :D <3  

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